Details: New clients only. No strings attached. No credit card required. The free Drip-Ed account will allow you space for 1,000 patient email addresses and the ability to send out unlimited emails for 90 days.
Schedule a quick call with a membership specialist to set up your account by entering your email below or give us a call at (877) 343-8950 Ext. 101
Unlimited Email Campaigns
Custom email campaigns for marketing and patient education.

Live Thumbnail Images
Live thumbnail images of your Campaign Emails makes campaign management a breeze. No more guessing what each email in your campaign looks like. Download the image to post on social media. Download the PDF of the email to handout to your clients and patients as a weekly patient education flyer.
Customization and branding
Branding your emails with a few simple clicks.

Mail merge variables personalize emails
The Drip-Education System has dozens of predefined mail-merge variables you can use to automatically insert client’s data into the emails. So instead of saying “Dear Client”, it would say “Dear Mr. Jones”. We also give you forty custom variables you can use to embed your own data.

Easily brand your email marketing campaigns
With our unique one-of-a-kind user interface, easily customize the look and feel of your emails. The branding is done independent of the content, thus making it easy to write your emails without worrying about formatting each time.

Social media sharing & posting
The Drip-Education System is the only email marketing system (that we know of) that gives you the ability to include a “Share to facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram” link in your email campaigns. Wouldn’t you love for your email recipients to share your marking message on social media?

Image hosting on content delivery network
Host as many images as you want with our advanced image capture system. In one step, take a picture with your webcam and it uploads to embed in your email. Connect capture images directly from your Facebook, DropBox, Google Drive, Instagram, Flickr, Gmail and more.
Get your email analytics to the next level.
So much more than simple open rates and click-through rates.

Intuitive Campaign Flow Statistics
Live thumbnail images of your Campaign Emails and Link Trackers makes campaign management a breeze. Every Campaign Email and Link Tracker destination shows a live thumbnail image making it very intuitive to follow their flow. With this unique, one-of-a-kind Campaign Email User Interface, its easy to (1) track who opened your email(s), (2) see who clicked the Link Tracker(s) within the email, and (3) see which one of the Link Tracker’s A-B-C split-tested destinations they ended up going to, and most importantly, (4) did they make a purchase once they got to the destination.
Drip-Education Campaign Library
Get started right away with our library of campaigns.

Educational Campaigns
We have several chiropractic and wellness based campaigns to get you started right away. Feel free to use them as they are or edit them as you please.
Marketing Campaigns
Promotions, birthday cards and much more for generating new patients and connecting with your current ones.
Target Leads
Market to just the people you want.

Email marketing & patient education
Keeping in constant contact with your clients is super important for client retention. Creating relationships with your prospects and leads with patient education and marketing emails will help you attract more new patients into your practice.

Segment your email list with client groups
With Client Groups, you can target the exact group of people you want your email to go to. Only sending emails to those most interested in the topic will ensure your open rates are high and your unsubscribe request are low.
lead generation marketing
Capturing leads to increase new clients.

Lead form wizard opt-in box
Easily create a custom sign up box to place on your website. Simply fill out the wizard and the code is generated for you to copy and paste into your website. Website visitors who fill out the sign-up box will be automatically added to your client database and assigned the email campaign of your choice.

Hosted lead form landing pages
Create custom branded Landing Pages for capturing leads. Easily create a Facebook Fan Page or simply place the lead page on your web site. Add questions to your lead pages for instant feedback from your patients and clients.
Drip-Education Email does so much more:
Click Funnels
Create automated marketing funnels to generate more leads and sales.
Import images from everywhere
Easily connect to your Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive, DropBox and more to select images you want to embed in your email campaigns.
Live, up-to-date, email thumbnail images
When viewing your email campaigns, you will see a live, up-to-date, thumbnail image making it easy to view all your campaign’s emails at once.
Social media share buttons
Do you have emails you would like your patients and clients to share with their friends? Easy! Not only do we have a Send to Friends setting, but they’ll be able to click a button to instantly share the email to Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest.
Join Cash Practice Systems today!
Start today for as little as $49/mo. Training is included.