Easily Manage Your Clients
The most powerful Client Tracking Software
Search Engine available.
Find the exact clients you need
As your client list grows, you need to be able to search for just those who meet certain criteria. For example, if you wanted to find all Chiropractic or Massage clients who have an email address, have been assigned a specific email campaign, are not in a specified client group and live within 3 miles of your business – you could do exactly that. Pretty darn powerful way to target market just the clients you want.
Client Information
Client Tracking Software beautifully
organizes client data at your fingertips.
Client custom fields
Cash Practice Members can define up to 40 different custom fields using Text Inputs, Radio Buttons, Drop-Down Selectors and Check Boxes. The custom fields can then be searched and used as mail-merge variables in emails.

Import client lists
You can easily import your list of clients using our CSV Client Importer. As long as you have an established relationship with the people on your list, feel free to upload them. Our importer will also format your data and remove duplicates for you.
Client Management
Useful features you won’t find in any other
Client Tracking Software.
Client records
Client Tracking Software organizes patient data by system and makes it easy to find. View clients’ Wellness Scores, Cash Plans, Auto-Debits and Payments, as well as Email Campaigns and Client Groups. Keep account notes and upload their picture with our built in one-step webcam image capture, and so much more.

Client Google Maps
Cash Practice Systems will display your clients location on Google Maps so you can see “where” to focus your marketing efforts. Every one of your clients with an address can be shown on the map.
Cash Practice Client Tracking Software includes so much more:
Activate & inactivate clients
The different Cash Practice Memberships come with room for varying quantities of active clients. You can easily inactivate clients, making room for more clients in your membership.
Client notes
Cash Practice Systems is not an EHR program. However, if you want to make any type of “note” for a client, you can do so.
Client groups
Easily segment your clients into groups, making it easier to manage, track and market. You can create an unlimited number of groups.
Client web-cam captured pictures
Upload pictures of your clients or simply attach a web-cam to snap it on the spot.
Join Cash Practice Systems today!
Start today for as little as $49/mo. Training is included.