Bringing the Best Out of Your CA!

Posted on August 28, 2024 by Holly Jensen

This original article was featured in the September 2024 issue of The American Chiropractor

THE WORLD OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE REVOLVES around a delicate balance. At the center stands the doctor, the trusted guide leading patients on their journey to optimal health. However, this journey wouldn’t be possible without the unseen hero — the chiropractic assistant (CA).

CAs are the backbone of a successful practice. They are the welcoming smile greeting patients at the door, the calming voice on the phone, and the efficient hand ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. Their role is multifaceted, demanding a blend of clinical knowledge, administrative expertise, and genuine interpersonal skills.

As a doctor, how can you unlock the full potential of your CA and cultivate a thriving team environment? Here’s a roadmap to empower your CA and build a practice that flourishes.

Investing in Growth: Building a Well-Rounded CA

The foundation of a successful CA lies in continuous development. When hiring, prioritize coachability and a genuine interest in learning. While technical skills can be honed, a willingness to grow is invaluable.

Once you have the right person on board, take the time to understand their existing skillset and areas of interest. Do they yearn to delve deeper into chiropractic principles or master the intricacies of insurance billing? This personalized approach lets you craft a training plan catering to their needs.

The training landscape offers a variety of resources to equip your CA. Workshops and conferences provide focused learning on specific topics, while online courses cater to flexible, self-paced learning styles. Don’t underestimate the power of inhouse training sessions. Develop sessions on your unique office procedures to help foster a sense of ownership and familiarity.

“Finally, track their progress and celebrate their achievements. Witnessing their growth fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to keep learning and expanding their skills”

Holly Jensen

Remember, a well-rounded CA requires a balance of clinical and administrative expertise. Invest in training programs that keep them up to date on chiropractic principles, treatments, and terminology. Don’t neglect crucial administrative skills, such as appointment scheduling, insurance billing and coding, and electronic health record (EHR) management.

Technical skills are only part of the equation, though. Soft skills are equally important in building rapport with patients and navigating diverse situations. Consider training programs that hone communication, conflict resolution, time management, and patient empathy. Encourage continuous learning by providing resources, such as subscriptions to chiropractic journals or access to online communities dedicated to chiropractic care.

Finally, track their progress and celebrate their achievements. Witnessing their growth fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to keep learning and expanding their skills. Investing in your CA’s knowledge is not just an investment in your practice. It’s an investment in a valuable team member who will be instrumental in your success.

Open Communication: Fostering a Collaborative Environment

A strong team thrives on open communication. Imagine your practice as a two-way street where your CA feels comfortable asking questions, sharing ideas, and providing feedback. An open dialogue yields a multitude of benefits. When they know their input is appreciated, it fosters a sense of value in your CA. Their unique perspective on daily operations can spark creative solutions you may not have considered, ultimately improving patient and staff efficiency.

Regular team meetings are a fantastic platform for open communication. Encourage active participation from your CA, creating a space where they can voice their concerns and suggestions. Additionally, maintain an open-door policy that allows your CA to approach you with questions or ideas without hesitation. It fosters trust and transparency, building a collaborative enviromnent where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute.

Delegation with Trust: Empowering Your CA for Success

Ditch the micromanaging and embrace delegation. Delegation isn’t just about getting things done; it’s about unlocking your assistant’s potential. The key lies in matching tasks to your CA’s strengths and skillset. As they gain experience and confidence, gradually increase the complexity of the tasks entrusted to them. This progressive approach empowers them to take ownership of their responsibilities and fosters a sense of accomplishment as they successfully complete them.

Delegation also frees you to focus on high-level tasks that require your expertise, such as patient care and strategic planning for your practice. It’s a win-win situation because your CA feels valued and empowered while you have more time to focus on activities that drive the practice forward.

Before delegating a task, ensure clear expectations are set and offer ongoing support as needed. However, resist the urge to micromanage. Trust your CA to learn and grow within their role, allowing them to develop the confidence necessary to become a valuable asset to your practice.

Recognition and Appreciation: The Power of “Thank You”

A simple “thank you” can be a powerful tool, but when it comes to your CA, the magic of recognition goes far deeper. While expressing gratitude is always appreciated, true appreciation is acknowledging their specific contributions.

Did your CA navigate a challenging patient interaction with grace and empathy? Highlight that. Did they identify a way to streamline the appointment scheduling process, saving valuable time for both staff and patients? Recognize their initiative and problem-solving skills. By pinpointing specific actions, you show your CA that you see their efforts and value their contributions to the smooth operation of your practice.

Appreciation doesn’t stop at private conversations. Public recognition amplifies its impact. Mention their achievements during team meetings, praising them for their dedication and hard work. Consider featuring them in your practice newsletter, sharing a brief story about their accomplishment and positive impact. Public recognition creates a sense of pride and motivates them to exceed expectations.

Financial incentives are always appreciated, but sometimes, the most meaningful rewards are those that demonstrate your investment in their growth. Consider offering flexible work hours to accommodate their personal needs. Is there a training course or conference they’ve expressed interest in attending? Sponsoring their professional development is a powerful way to show your investment in their growth. Remember, recognition doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; a small token of appreciation, such as a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, can brighten their day and show you care.

“The key is to cultivate a “recognition culture” that permeates your entire practice”

Holly Jensen

The key is to cultivate a “recognition culture” that permeates your entire practice. Encourage your team members to acknowledge each other’s efforts, fostering a spirit of collaboration and appreciation. Lead by example and take the time to express gratitude to your CA and everyone on your team. It creates a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best.

Building a United Front: The Power of Collaboration

Ditch the traditional doctor-assistant hierarchy and create a true partnership with your CA. Imagine working side by side

to solve problems, brainstorm solutions, and set practice goals as a united front. This collaborative approach fosters mutual respect, keeps your CA engaged, and unlocks the full potential of both of you.

One way to achieve this powerful partnership is by having your CA experience the new patient process firsthand. It provides them with valuable insights that benefit them and your practice in several ways.

First, how can your CA confidently explain the benefits of chiropractic care to patients if they haven’t experienced it? By receiving chiropractic care, they gain firsthand knowledge and can answer patient questions with genuine enthusiasm. They’ll be able to speak from a place of understanding, fostering trust and building stronger relationships with patients.

Second, your CA is crucial in scheduling appointments and interacting with patients. By experiencing the new patient process from the other side, they better understand your practice’s workflow. They’ll see how everything fits together, allowing them to manage patient expectations better and answer questions confidently.

Third, your CA’s perspective as a “new patient” can be invaluable. They might identify areas for improvement in the new patient process that you may have overlooked. This insider view can lead to positive changes that enhance the patient experience. Role-playing different scenarios during the new patient experience can also be a fun and informative way to refine communication strategies with patients and within the team.

“Your CA is more than just an assistant; they are the unseen hero who keeps your practice running smoothly.”

Holly Jensen

Your CA is more than just an assistant; they are the unseen hero who keeps your practice running smoothly. By investing in their growth through training, open communication, empowered delegation, and genuine recognition, you’re building a stronger team and a foundation for a thriving practice.

A well-trained and empowered CA translates to a more efficient operation, a more positive patient experience, and a more successful chiropractic practice. Remember, your entire practice flourishes when everyone on your team feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best. And at the center of that flourishing practice stands your CA, the empowered backbone you can rely on.

About the Author

Holly Jensen, the esteemed Chief Operations Officer of Cash Practice Systems, oversees a pioneering platform highly regarded in the chiropractic community for its unparalleled ability to boost revenue and retention rates. At its core are innovative tools like The Wellness Score, Care Plan Calculator, Auto-Debit, and Drip-Education Systems, meticulously crafted to aid doctors in enhancing patient retention and revenue. With unwavering commitment, Holly has been instrumental in solidifying Cash Practice Systems as the premier choice for chiropractors seeking practice optimization. Prior to her COO role, Holly collaborated with Dr. Miles Bodzin, CEO of Cash Practice Systems, in leading a highly successful wellness practice in San Diego, showcasing dedication to patient care. Together, they've dedicated over two decades to advancing chiropractic care, inspiring practitioners worldwide. Explore for transformative tools.

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