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Clients Can Update Billing for Scheduled Auto-Debits
Posted on July 16, 2018 by Holly Jensen

To increase efficiency in your office, we are pleased to announce that you can use the Auto-Debit System® Alert Notifications to send an email to your clients to update their billing. Furthermore, the system will automatically trigger the same Alert Notifications on the 5th & 20th of each month alerting the client to take action and update the billing of

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Stop Losing Money with the New & Improved Dashboard Alerts
Posted on June 10, 2018 by Miles Bodzin, DC

The Auto-Debit Status report on the Dashboard now shows (1) The Number and Value of the Payments that need to be investigated and (2) If you have Completed Auto-Debits that are Not Paid Up. Both of these updates are meant to help you avoid losing money due to you or your staff’s failure to follow-up

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You Can Now Assign Payments (after they’ve been processed) to Multiple Auto-Debit Groups
Posted on June 1, 2018 by Miles Bodzin, DC

Auto Debit Groups allow you to categorize your payments into groups so you can pull reports showing how much revenue was generated for that group.  You’ve had the ability to assign an Auto-Debit Group when using any of the payment tools (as seen here).  For example, it allows you to track your Chiropractic Services, Massage Services,

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Patients Can Now Reprocess Declined Payments Online
Posted on May 9, 2018 by Miles Bodzin, DC

We are pleased to announce that you now have the ability to have your clients/patients receive an email when their payment is declined that instructs them to take action and reprocess the payment online. When the client/patient clicks the [Pay Online] button in the declined email notice, they will be directed to a personalized secure

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EMV… is the sky going to fall?
Posted on September 14, 2017 by Miles Bodzin, DC

In practices like yours, we’re being told you HAVE to get the new EMV Chip PIN-Based credit card terminals, or you will now be liable to any fraudulent transactions. I’m sure we have all gotten the calls from merchant processors saying that we have to make the switch or else. Oh my goodness, the sky

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